Pirate Baseball Alumni Game Announced

The Charlestown HS Pirate Baseball program has scheduled their 6th Annual Alumni Baseball Game to benefit the program. The event will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 3:00 pm, at the Pirate Baseball Stadium on the campus of Charlestown HS. Pirate Baseball is currently looking for any former player or coach that is interested in participating in this event. The event is intended to provide a fun and exciting environment for all former player and coaches that have donned the Pirate uniform. Whether you played one year of freshman ball or four years of Varsity ball; all are welcome. The cost is of this event is $30.00 per person, which covers your game participation and a t-shirt commemorating the event the 6th Annual Alumni Baseball Game. Game details will be discussed at the event; which will also include a home run derby competition, food and drinks. Charlestown Baseball apparel, such as shirts, game hats and jerseys will also be available for purchase. Event registration and information is available at www.PiratePride.BLUE/Baseball or by logging onto http://piratepride.blue/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014PirateBaseballAlumniGameRegistrationForm.pdf directly. Questions can be directed to Head Coach Ricky Romans at 502-641-2883 or Assistant Coach Brian Hester at 502-643-6878. Additional donations and sponsorships are available. All proceeds for this event benefit the CHS Pirate Baseball program and are greatly appreciated.