Charlestown to Host IHSAA Girls Basketball Sectional #30
Charlestown High School is very excited about hosting the Girls High School Basketball Sectional #30 next week! Check out all the the FAN information you need to know below:

Dates and Times:
1/30/24 Tuesday: Game 1 6:00 PM / Game 2 7:30 PM
2/2/24 Friday: Game 3 6:00 PM / Game 4 7:30 PM
2/3/24 Saturday: Game 5 (Championship) 7:00 PM
Parking for FANS will be available in the SOUTH/MAIN PARKING LOT (Main Entrance) DOOR 32 off of Park Street, adjacent to the football field, directly in front of the gym. (See Map)

Entry & Seating:
The doors will open at 5:00 PM on Tuesday night, 5:00 PM Friday night, and 6:00PM Saturday night.
Ticket Prices: Single $7.00; Season $15.00 (Tickets sold at the gate un advertised by CHS). All sports passes are not valid for IHSAA tournament events. There will be NO PASS OUTS during the tournament.
School seating sections will be marked with signs each night. These areas will change from night to night as certain match-ups are created. (See map for opening night)

Crowd Control: Each school’s administration will be expected to help us in providing the best possible atmosphere for all of our athletes to participate in, but it begins with spectators being good sports and courteous and respectful to all members of the school communities participating!
Rules & Restrictions:
A. Balloons, banners and/or posters, etc. are not permitted.
B. Cowbells, and other such noise devices, banners, shakers on sticks, signs, posters, etc. are not permitted.
C. The use of high school pep bands at this IHSAA tourney is permitted.
D. No live animal mascots are permitted.
E. Line-up lanes of fans shall not be permitted on the playing floor at any time.
F. Carry-in radios, cassette, CD players and tape decks, etc. are not permitted on the playing floor.
G. The throwing of articles, including toilet tissue, is not allowed.
H. All Fans in attendance will be expected to wear shirts.
Video Taping/Filming:
A. Individual spectators are authorized to personally take still photographs of tournament events strictly for personal use.
B. Individual spectators are authorized to personally film, video tape and audio tape portions of IHSAA tournament events, strictly for personal use, only if advanced permission is obtained from the host school principal at the sectional.
C. Teams will only be allowed to tape/film the contest they are participating in. The videotaping/Film area will be set up in the balcony level at the half court line directly access from the main entrance to the arena
Photographers MAY use electronic strobe cameras during the progress of a sporting event as long as, in the opinion of the contest officials, the flash doesn’t hinder the actions of, or endanger the contestants. The final decision, as it relates to photography, rest with the judgment of the contest official. School administrators have the authority to designate certain areas from which photographers may operate during the contest.
We want to remind everyone that it’s the time of year when scammers try to take advantage of unsuspecting citizens on social media by selling pay-per-view links for athletic contests. They are fake! Please do not provide your credit card number or personal information! All audio/radio and television/live streams MUST be approved through the IHSAA ThreeSixtyGroup. Once the approved media list is shared with us, we will update this post with participating media so you know who is legit! Be safe, fans!
This information is brought to you by the Charlestown Athletic Department and the Student Radio/Television and Sportscasting program, WPMQ!