Athletic Schedule Changes & Reminders
The following events have been cancelled, announced today by the CHS Athletic Department:
-Junior Varsity Boys Basketball against New Washington, originally scheduled for Monday, November 23, 2015.
-JV Wrestling Invitational, hosted by Charlestown High School, originally scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday November 21, 2015.
Just a reminder that the Lady Pirate Basketball team will face off in a conference match-up tonight against Corydon Central with the JV tipping at 6:00 pm. Also, next Tuesday night, 11/24/15, is PACK THE HOUSE NIGHT! We need everyone in attendance Tuesday night for our Pirate & Lady Pirate Varsity Double Header against New Washington. Girls will tip at 6:00 pm and the Boys will follow! We have a lot of events and recognition planned for that night, make sure you are here so we can PACK THE HOUSE!!